19 June 2006

It's A Small World After All

I may have joked about it...I may even have taken it semi-seriously...but, really, never thought I'd actually be RIGHT about it.

It turns out that Angelina Jolie really does want the continental sampler pack of children. "Hmm...I've got one from Asia...one from Africa...now one from North America...where should I go next, South America, Europe, or Australia?"

Given the level of my correctness about this, I don't think it too far-fetched to imagine that she will not stop until she gets herself a penguin from Antarctica, adopts it & christens it Yomama Jolie-Pitt.

Unless she takes a second go-round on the contintental baby carousel. And, you know, I think she might just be noble & brave & even selfless enough to do it.

MY GOD PEOPLE. How do you go from hottest creature in the universe to its whackest bony bore in such a short amount of time? I'm sure somewhere, deep down, Billy Bob Thornton is to blame for this.

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