16 June 2006

Ice Beer, Ohhh Ice Beer, Ice Beer

For the record, the song in "reality" is titled "Eisbaer" but that wouldn't make much sense given the context. (But oh! talk about a memory-connotation-laden song...Ross, you should know what I'm talkin' about (hint: think DJ Dan). Though your memories of it are undoubtedly of a slightly more pained variety).

Anyway, this delicious, deliciouser, & yes even muy caliente delicioso brew comes to us from Seattle. From the Pyramid Brewery. I've kept an eye out for this Apricot Weizen in the microbrewery wasteland that is Virginia ever since I first delected upon its delectableness while in Oregon last year. Of it I am so fond that I took this picture all by my little ol' self, just to prove that I actually have it. Funny thing is - me & fruity beers, not so much ('less we're talking about lambic). But there's something about this one - the aroma is so good you can practically smell the fuzz. It's light-tasting but still tasty & somehow there's a perfect undetectable balance betwixt beir und fruit.

Well you may imagine my delight when, after deciding to spoil myself with a nice Belgian from the Wine Warehouse, I espied two six-packs of this baby near the register. Could the timing have been any better? The perfect summertime beer, returning to me at the perfect moment when such blissful happenstance is most thoroughly appreciated. Aaahhh...life is good.

Although there may be more than a bit of "thrill-of-the-chase" syndrome in my effusive praise, if you see this beer, give it a whirl.

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