12 June 2006

The Earth Will Not Nourish 'Em

Of late, rain in Charlottesville has veered more toward farcical notion than needed reality. In fact, it quite reminds me of a remark made in Cold Comfort Farm, that most excellent film based upon dubious book (seriously, don't even get me started on how great the movie is, or how grievously Kate Beckinsale has squandered her talent since):

"The seeds wither as they fall into the ground, and the earth will not nourish 'em. The cows are barren and the sows are farren and the King's Evil and the Queen's Bane and the Prince's Heritage ravages our crops. 'Cos why? 'Cos there's a curse on us, Robert Poste's child."

But tonight - oh, wonderful tonight - it is really & truly raining! Not in the apocalyptic thunderstorm fashion so common round these parts, but a semi-quiet & consistently steady downpour.

Actual, real rain. Hurrah!

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