03 October 2007

The Fruit of Hot Celebrity Loins Is Also Hot

So, when I found out that Rashida Jones is the offspring of Quincy Jones & Peggy Lipton (thanks, Mandy!), it reminded me of something I discovered a couple of years ago, then forgot, then rediscovered a few weeks ago.

Which is, Zoe Kravitz is smokin'. OMG. Then again, how
could the progeny of Lisa Bonet & Lenny Kravitz NOT be hot? No matter what you think of them, they are two beautiful people.

These pictures are how I first encountered her, at (I think) the age of 17:

Hot & naughty & underage. With a 40 of OE, even. *Sigh*. I was totally sold.

And here are some recent, newly legal (she's 19 in December, folks!), slightly more professional I-am-a-starlet shots:

I have a newfound respect for Lenny Kravitz. Possibly, I would consider having his babies, not because I particularly like him or anything, but because there's at least a 50 to 75 percent chance they would be fucking gorgeous. And maybe I could become the mommy type if I had a fucking gorgeous baby.


Unknown said...

Yo, speaking of Quincy Jones, one of the judges out here is his brother -- Richard Jones. No shit.

mandy said...

I love that your stipulation for parenting is that your progeny must be hot. el oh el.