23 May 2007

Do You Really Have To Ask That Question?

Minor aside from a one-star customer review on Netflix regarding a film called Girl Boss Guerilla:

"(do we really need to have topless fight scenes?)"

That's like asking someone if they want to see you throw a flip-flop out a window.

The only possible answer is "YES". A variation to the tune of "HELL YES" is also acceptable.

Needless to say, all four films in the Pinky Violence collection have been added to my queue. From my entirely too-brief survey of available information, I gather that the Pinky Violence genre in Japan corresponds most closely with the blaxploitation genre in America, insofar as it simultaneously empowers & stereotypes those who in the 1970s were largely relegated to the background in mainstream cinema (whether I should utilize the present tense for this is a matter for another time). In Japan, its subject is women; in America, African-Americans. I would be wary of taking the comparison too far, only because I suspect the differences in intended audiences are substantial - more simply put, I don't think the makers of Deliquent Girl Boss were trying to attract female audiences.

Terrifying Girls' High School: Lynch Law Classroom
is first up. We'll see how it goes. I will be most severely disappointed if full advantage is not taken of schoolgirl outfits.

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