28 November 2007

Say Hello!

Meet Jasper, my darling new car. Jasper is a 2007 Toyota Corolla LE (the "L" is for luxury, people). It was love at first sight. That & the fact that I'm a sucker for a pretty face with under 17K miles on it. Jasper is more accustomed to the finer things in life than was the Road Warrior, so I expect to drop a bit more moolah on him, but you know, I think he's worth it.

Without further ado:

The color was key. Ever since I bought the silver Road Warrior, I'd been envious of the gunmetal gray Toyotas. Really, aren't Corollas boring enough without having a dull color to compound it?

Power windows were a non-negotiable must.

Oh the luxury of faux-wood paneling! My heart quivers.

And I would be remiss if I failed to remark upon the coup de grace, the feature that was my heart's secret desire:

Remote key entry, oh yeah!

I will always have a special love for the Road Warrior - it was, after all, not only the very first car I'd ever bought, but also its very purchase was at the time a wonderfully freeing & empowering action. But Jasper is like the Road Warrior squared. I am pleased.

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