05 December 2006

You're Always a Day Away

I AM SO FRIGGIN' HAPPY. My wonderful apartment is EVEN BETTER than I remembered. And, after the what-the-fuck stage & the intense I'm-needy-love-me stage, my cat Audun (AKA The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me) seems to love it! He's already back to blanket-fucking. Okay, so technically he's actually still in that desperation cuddle phase where he clings & purrs & follows me around meowing at me because he wants to be held. But still. He was definitely pumped when he discovered that there are TWO floors for him to run around in. Technically three if he feels like going downstairs to the door. Also, I can totally let him out on the porch on a semi-supervised basis. And there's so much room! I needs the paints, & the shelves, but I'm totally in love.

I can't walk - only painfully hobble - but that's okay. The pain will end; the apartment is long-term. At the risk of sounding overly self-satisfied, while I recognize & appreciate my good fortune, I have to say that I totally deserve this. And overall, karma has been a really good friend to me since I got out here.

Oh, concert update: saw The Faint on Sunday. Awesome, awesome show, though I'm sad that I missed most of the opening band, Ratatat, 'cause they were great too. Any mild disappointment I may have had because The Faint didn't play "Violent" was countered by the fact that they did play "Worked Up So Sexual" & other favorites of mine which heretofore attained "dance 'til you're sweaty" status only in my living room(s). I'm guessing the guys have an album in ye olde pipeline; they played several new (great) songs & alluded to testing out new material as being the reason for their tour. & for those of you keeping score, we got two compliments outta the lead singer for The Faint: the first was "We love playing in Portland". The second came when they took the stage for their encore, about which the entire audience was much enthused (replete with foot-stomping & chants of "Faint, Faint, Faint, Faint...") - "You guys are sweethearts". Yes. Yes, we are.

Sigh. I can't wait to go home & bask in the glow of fabulosity.


Anonymous said...

I'm so smawt! I was about to send you an email subject'd "hOw'S tHe nEw ApArTmEnT??!!!!111111!", but then I thought, "say! Maybe April wrote about it!" and sure enough I was correct. Hot damn. So, I'm glad Audun is lovin' it, but what about you? Plans for the next step? I guess paint? I am also searching for new apt. things, and I discovered Lowe's has some surprisingly cheap goodies. And wait, what happened to you -- why the limp? Is this a move injury, or from that concert a while ago? The Faint show sounded pretty rad.

Whoo, man; Prague, Prague! Now I just have to save the $$ . . . And wrap my chompers on some new sounds. Yummy!

April said...

First step: stuff out of boxes.
Second step: paint!
Third step: shelves, furniture, cookware, dinnerware, plants...etc.
Ongoing step: enjoying it all.

I am hobbling because I sat on a couch watching football & "Scrubs" for the past three weeks, instead of hauling boxes up & down stairs for 8 hours like I did yesterday. My calves are in a world of hurt.

As for how I feel about the place, well, I absolutely adore it. It's perfect.

Yes! Czech. Should be nice & challenging. Here's our first phrase:

MluvĂ­te anglicky?

It means, "Do you speak English?" Helpful! Plus I'm entirely amused that "English" is "anglicky".