27 June 2008

Just Another Snobby Old Movie**

When I was a wee lass, I had in my possession a film guide. It had a still from Top Gun on the cover, with one or two tacky blue clip art renderings of film strips placed diagonally. The paper was that weird not-quite-newspaper, not-quite-book paper. It offered short capsule reviews of maybe 1,000 movies or so.

And for some reason, it had a profound influence on me.

I read it over & over & over again. Endlessly. Even after it grew so worn that the cover fell off. I still remember things like the picture of Anthony Hopkins from Magic &, yes, even the two-star rating given that film. Moreover, this book is w
hy 1986 is my cut-off year - anything that happened after '86 feels recent, contemporary (the book was published that year). I cannot, however, recall its title.

One of the films it reviewed was this cheesy, tacky looking thing called Angel, released in 1984. The picture illustrating the review was an image of the movie's poster, which had the tag line "High school honor student by day. Hollywood hooker by night."

Friends, I have waited lo! these twenty two years for an opportunity to see this movie. I can't help it. I freakin' love that tag line. And those clothes! I have periodically checked Netflix on several occasions, only to turn away empty-handed.

No more.

I have now at my disposal a veritable cornucopia of teen genius hooker movies - Angel. Avenging Angel. And, oh yes, Angel III: The Final Chapter. I cannot tell you how excited I am. Of course, I know that this movie will very likely let me down. The thrill of the chase will be over. But, you know, if it means I get to realize a long-cherished goal, I think I can handle it.

Besides, it doesn't look like anybody's gonna put Summer Camp Nightmare on DVD anytime soon. The dream lives!

**A patron at the video store at which I work called me "snobby" after he asked what new releases I would recommend. I told him I didn't really watch a lot of new movies, & when queried, elaborated that I have an awful lot of catching up to do when it comes to cinema history. At which point I was dubbed "snobby". Whatever. Dude name-checked Birth of a Nation as the beginning of cinema. Fucking pleb.

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