14 February 2008

Annie Annie Anniemal!

Today was a very good day to wonder when the hell Norwegian pop songstress Annie was going to release another album, already. Anniemal came out, let's see, at least three lifetimes ago. And although her contribution to !K7's DJ-Kicks series was really fun, it was not, sir, an album proper. Same goes for "Wedding" & "Crush" - mere buoys in the desperate lost-at-sea hunt for any sight of Album Land.

At last, today when I asked, I found an answer - sort of! Possibly as early as April. But do you know what's almost as good as that? The fact that she is shortly to release a single. And what's better still? The A-side will be a cover of Stacey Q's "Two of Hearts".

ANNIE + TWO OF HEARTS. In the same breath. Those caps know they're egregious, baby, & they LOVE it. Me? I can have my Bergman & eat my bouncy (bitter)sweet Scandinavian pop too.

And I am definitely already doing the new al-bum, new al-bum, new al-bum dance.


Aunt Agatha said...

I remember when Stacey Q guested on Facts of Life. Wow.

mandy said...

This is a great Valentine's post, even if you didn't mean it that way. And, putting "Annie" and "Two of Hearts" together almost feels like destiny; as if Annie was born to make just that cover (and of course other things, but certainly a stepping-stone along the way).