10 January 2008

Jumping The Shark

So, my hair has been pretty much the same for six years. At least as far as length goes - I've worn it straight, curly (my hair is the follicular equivalent of ambidextrous), blond, brown & a brief ill-advised auburn. The bangs were added for a Halloween costume in, I think, '04 & I decided to keep them, even though my then-boss told me I looked like Donna Reed. I could never figure out if he meant that in a good way or a bad hausfrau way, but I was pleased with 'em in any case.

Regardless, my first inkling that perhaps it was time to say goodbye to the predominant hairstyle of my 20s (new life-decade, new hair, etc.) came when I recently watched the Wong Kar-Wai, or Kar-Wai Wong, or whatevs, f
ilm Fallen Angels. And totally coveted the lead actress' hair.

So hot, right? It looks even better when she moves. She also inspired me to get all dolled up & clean my apartment in red fishnets. Seriously, how could she not - this is what she wears to clean up after her hitman cohort:

Cleaning & hosiery & fantastic hair. Does it get any better?

Moving past my own odd proclivities, obviously there is no way I could pull that hairstyle off. Besides, I don't really want long hair again. I like it short, & that's the problem with new hair - I don't want it any shorter than it already is, but I don't want it muc
h longer either. Plus, I want to keep the bangs, because my forehead is ginormous.

Here's the thing. I never thought I would be in this situation, ever. But today I saw a celebrity's hairstyle & I actually thought, I bet that would look really great on me:

It's exactly what I'm looking for - something different, but not radically so. Longer but not long. And, bangs!

I want an opinion, because I am not going to march into Bishops, with their complimentary beer & their waiting area pornography, with a picture of fucking Katie Holmes, & tell them that I want my hair to look like that, unless it's gonna turn out fabulously. So whaddya think - am I smoking crack, or could this be teh awesome? It looks cute in back too:

Also, I did some research, & I'm not going to Bishops, so no tattooed pierced hipsters can mock me for getting Katie Holmes' haircut. I read really great reviews of this place that's right next to my neighborhood watering hole (Side St. Bar 4ever!) called Propaganda the Salon. Having received one haircut from somebody who was not me in the past 15 years, it feels like a waste of money. But I don't think I can do this one at home. And shit, you know, I think I might even get it colored. Look out!

Y'know, for the record, I wouldn't be a boy for all the vanilla beans in the world.


Unknown said...

Jesus, what is it with this parallel life thing going on here? You know my hair has basically been the same for the last however long except it is healthier and better colored now, but I saw a picture of a chick with hair like that (the first picture)and actually thought about getting bangs- almost went there when I got my hair cut/colored last week. And when I asked my hairdresser what she would do if she could do anything to my hair she described the exact coiffure as that which Mrs. Cruise is rocking in that picture. Weird. So yes, I agree and I totally think you should go for it, just get used to some hardcore straightening action.

April said...

Hahaha. It has been uncanny. Perhaps we are but splinters of the same identity - not doppelgangers (as you know, I've already found mine) per se, but one singular, albeit multi-dimensional, ChrisApril. The only puzzle to tease out is, which of us is Bizarro ChrisApril & which of us is Regular?

Also, I think you could totally rock that Fallen Angels hair! So hard. You should watch the movie just to see that hair in action. And, bonus, that girl (Michele Reis) is super-hot & spends a lot of time in that leather/vinyl/whatever dress. Oh, & the movie's pretty good too.

Thanks for the advice. I'm goin' for it.

Unknown said...

Excellent! Any color changes?

April said...

I am sorely tempted by copper, but afraid my skin tone is too dark for it. Mebbe since I'll be paying someone to do it, I can get away with auburn? I've secretly always wanted to be a redhead, hence my previous disastrous attempt.

This image gallery is two tons o' hair-related fun, by the by: http://www.hji.co.uk/image-gallery/home.html

Aunt Agatha said...

Do it. It's a great haircut, regardless of where you got it from. It will look awesome on you, and I bet it would look good when you wear it curly, too.

And you've made me feel better, btw, because Jack's been making fun of me for modeling the kitchen after a sweater Dan Radcliffe wore for a magazine. So thanks for that!

Aunt Agatha said...

Wait. Waiting room beer and porn?

You are the luckiest girl in the world.

April said...

Don't I know it!

Seriously, woman, you need to ditch the husband & kids for a week & git your ass out here. We'd go to theater pubs & strip clubs & dancing clubs & Powell's & oh! so much more.

BTW, I want pictures. Of the sweater AND the kitchen. Hee hee.

Unknown said...

April's not bullshitting you. A week in April-land does involve all of those things and more!