22 November 2006

I Learned It By Watching You

Confession: I've been watching an obscene amount of television. It's pretty disgusting, but to be honest I don't have that many options right now. All my books are in storage. All my everything (except necessary clothing) is in storage. & has been, for the past month & a half. That will change in less than two weeks, & I will not have any television thank god BUT - here's what I've learned in the interim:

- "That 70s Show" is actually really funny.

- The HGTV & DIY channels are actually really informative for people like me who are not handy about the house, & they have inspired me to get creative with my own space, once I move in.

- I actually really like football. Though I will admit that I choose my teams based on the prettiness of their uniforms.

- I actually really watched the last few episodes of "Dancing with the Stars". And rooted for the football player. Not sure what I learned from this per se, except to be careful in the future of what I mock.

- Also, I had a completely unexpected connection with a television program aimed specifically at my demographic. The show is "Scrubs". I didn't like it at first, plus I was thrown off by seeing the second Becky from "Roseanne" & Dionne's boyfriend from Clueless in the same show. But honestly, it's grown on me. Good thing, 'cause it's on in syndication all the time & the friends with whom I'm staying like to watch it. Last night, the show's take on a classic anti-drug commercial made me laugh really, really hard. I'm pretty sure this isn't as funny if you didn't grow up in the 80s.

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