09 October 2006

Wyoming: AKA the End of the World

Wyoming was by far the most amazing state through which I drove on my recent cross-country jaunt. It looks like a sci-fi movie starring Don Johnson, at least the part that I-80 goes through. Alien rock formations, strange plant life...it was the only time in my four days that I actually wanted to stop & tourist it up. My ability to refrain from going to Yellowstone was aided in large part by the persistent howls of my cat, however; luckily, Old Faithful will most likely continue to live up to its name & I can one day journey back. Minus a certain cupcake-brained four-legged mammal.

In addition to appearing so apocalyptic as to inspire the naming of my car (henceforth it is a simple Corolla no more - my other, non-living baby is THE ROAD WARRIOR; it's a more fitting appellation than one might initially be inclined to think, but that is a story for another time), Wyoming was for me the Land of Questions. Such as: what is the Continental Divide, if not merely a cinematic childhood memory from the 80s so obscure that IMDb does not list it (& no, I'm not talking about the one with John Belushi)? Plateaus - why? Wherefore do mountain ranges go up & down (okay, north & south if you want to get all technical) and not left & right? Undoubtedly that's a simple one, but I've always been more a fan of ruminating on questions than establishing concrete answers.

It is with sadness, however, that I confess I was not afforded the opportunity to see the State Mythical Creature of Wyoming - the jackalope. Another time, methinks.

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