19 December 2007

Happy-Makers 2007 12 19

(You'll probably have to make the pictures bigger to get the full effect here.)

Why I love my video store:

There are also three shelves of "Demons, Devils & Their Worshipers".

Why I love my scary neighbors:

Yeah. That's Santa Claus. On a motorcycle. I know it's a terrible picture, but they are my scary neighbors, so I didn't want to get too close or use a flash, even if I made sure their lights were out. I never thought I'd miss tacky Christmas decorations; but I did. And they filled the void! I like to stand on my porch & ponder Bad-Ass Santa.


Unknown said...

whoa. Are these the neighbors I met?

April said...

HA! No. These folks live in the gray house across the street with the owls on it & that ginormous tree in front.

April said...

I should clarify: fake owls.