10 December 2007


Hee hee! I'm the world's biggest alphabetizing dork. Seriously. I love alphabetizing. It gives me great happiness. Creating order out of chaos in my own small way. The pleasure, however brief, of basking in the comforting beauty of the finite & graspable. The Feeling of getting something accomplished skipping hand in hand down the path with the Sensation of mental relaxation. I only wish my life provided me more frequent opportunities to indulge. I suspect that secretly this is why I'm letting my CD organization take days & days & days - because after the CDs, I've only the records, & then all the fun goes away.

No. That's not true. Don't lie to yourself, Self. If I'd had my druthers that shit would have been done by Friday. The 20-hour class'n'test combo & various social commitments I had last week are what kept me from finishing. But now that I've caught up on sleep - I will undoubtedly be amazed for months that I slept from 2:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday - well, I don't think anything can hold me back.

The (1st) step is categorizing. This is easy. I have Disco/Funk, Electronic & Everything Else (I used to try to be all categorical with the Everything Else too, but I found that all that meant was I spent more time looking for things because I couldn't remember as what they had been classified). The (2nd) is my beloved alphabetizing. The (3rd) is chronological arrangement within the alphabetical structure, which is also easy - any artist whose work is owned in sufficient quantity as to warrant chronological arrangement is most likely an artist with whose discography I have a fair amount of familiarity.

Except, for some reason, Fila Brazilia - I can never remember whether Power Clown or Luck Be a Weirdo Tonight comes first.

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