21 December 2007

Touch My Tummy & I Light Up!

Oh my. LIGHT-UP BATHTUB TOYS arrived yesterday on my doorstep. AKA "Disco Dinos". I lurve you, Skunk Keeler. They make my insides squiggly. Look!:

Yeah, I got out to grab my camera because they're so wonderful. So what? New rubber duckies + bath bomb from Lush (oh, sweet Lush) + leftover yet still bubbly prosecco from last night + [redacted for the sake of decency] = best Saturday bath EVER.

Also: remember when Ryan Adams was good? I didn't until I listened to a CD I made for a friend ages ago. And this song came on:

So wistful & gauzy yellow afternoon bar. I was compelled to run out & buy Faithless Street & Strangers Almanac straightaway.

Last but not least: I've got the whole "Dae Jang Geum" series to get me through the sopping wet of Oregon winter! It's s'posed to be kinda like "Iron Chef" crossed with a soap, all set in 16th century Korea. I feel like it exists solely for my benefit. Whoo hoo! Thanks ever so much to Albert.

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