Boob Dress Rules!
Well, I guess I know what to wear whenever I want some attention. I left my apartment for approximately a grand total of 30 minutes yesterday to go to Zupan's, & got hit on no fewer than three times. My personal favorite was the older black gentleman who said "If I was 35 years younger..." (I love getting compliments from older black men. They're always so polite but lascivious at the same time. It's fun.) The dress is a bit too big for me, though, so I find constant vigilance is required in ensuring the bottom portion of my bra doesn't peek out. I have to say, sometimes the attention is nice. I even got followed by some guy in a truck who asked if I needed some help with my beer. I declined. He wasn't bad-looking, but the last time I let some guy in a car pick me up, he turned out to be far more relationship-inclined than I.
Whatever. I like my boobs.
Although I have to admit, this dress does make the clothing I previously thought boob-rific look, well, positively modest.
Damn! What kind of bra do you use?!?
I've found that this dress works best with a front-closing bra, actually. Lift & definition. Heh.
That's the awesome, btw. And, I *heart* front-closing bras. Or at least these two I found at Target (say Taaar-sheeey).
I got mine at Target too! OMG.
I totally got mine at Target too. Who woulda known that Tar-Jay is cleavage central?
nice tits
I agree those are nice ba ba ba boobies. Makes me want to go back to a nursing kid again.
lol: about 7 of the hits my site has received over the past few days have all been linked by this post. Just thought you should know. :D
That's because that cleavage rocks! I wish I could see more!
wow that juss made my day.... lol
Nice rack lady
I'm sorry but...they look like butt cheeks xD
Your boobs look amazing in this photo. I'd love to see more. I'm guessing the answer is not, but I figure it can't hurt to ask. Can I see more?
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