12 December 2006

My Cat Needs Some Pussy

Not to be crass (whoops, too late!) but he seriously does. See, the thing is, Audun has never ever in his whole life except for two weeks in September 2006 lived without another cat. And let's just say he's not exactly taking to being a solo cat quite as well as I'd hoped. Okay, he HATES it. He's super-lonely. And how does this unhappiness manifest itself? Well, luckily he's not a pisser. Or a shitter. Or a tear-shit-up-per. No, my darling cat is...a meower. A follow me around all the time crier. I try to cuddle him - but no. I try to play with him - but no. Hell, even feeding him barely quells the incessant bellyaching.

And, insomuch as I am glad that his ennui does not result in anything more destructive than some whining, it is starting to drive me CRAZY. I've actually left my apartment because of it.

So, continuing the strong masturbatory bent of this blog of late, herewith will I share my inclination in the world of cats: male, because most of the female cats I've known are either psychotic, bitches, or psychotic bitches. Audun happens to be a sensitive little thing. Kitten, so Audun can be a dominant cat for once in his life, however brief the duration. I know that everybody wants a cute little kitten & oh the poor adult cats but - here's the rub - if I was getting a cat for me, I would totally be into getting a fully-grown one. Honestly, though, I don't want another cat right now, much as I adore the critters. But Herr Fluff demands it, & I think he would do better with a kitten.

Development in progress. Perhaps Audun would do well with a...SIX-TOED kitten? I *heart* Craigslist. Trying to arrange to see a six-toed kitty smorgasboard tonight & hoping to find a good fit. Will touch my blog again tomorrow if all goes well!

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